Date Aug 15, 2023 User Guancho Rating Safe Score 6
hace falta cortes sakuga de las peleas de retsu jack y katsumi. Como el primer puñetazo que le da jack a pickle, el golpe bajo de katsumi y los primeros ataques de retsu que son claramente sakugas
Bloodystar said:
Erika did Eren genga, Tezuka did (nigen) the Titans.
Ebisu for the last cut
key-to-balance said:
0:00 - 0:05.7: Masaaki Tanaka
0:05.7 - END: Arifumi Imai (ODM gear sequence)
Date Sep 18, 2018 User Skrullz Rating Safe Score 152
Okay, so you might have noticed some shots in this sequence look blurry and not crisp while others look great. This was not something I personally intended but the BD release for this funnily enough isn't a complete remaster. So, while I could have cut the shots that were not remastered I think some of them have really nice expressions or contained important information, so I kept them in. I hope I never have to watch a blu-ray remaster like this again. It's so jarring and really ruins the mood.
Skrullz said:
Okay, so you might have noticed some shots in this sequence look blurry and not crisp while others look great. This was not something I personally intended but the BD release for this funnily enough isn't a complete remaster. So, while I could have cut the shots that were not remastered I think some of them have really nice expressions or contained important information, so I kept them in. I hope I never have to watch a blu-ray remaster like this again. It's so jarring and really ruins the mood.
This inconsistency in quality is, according to Anime News Network, the result of several previously deleted shots being put back in especially for the Blu-Ray release.
so they just never fully remastered this? how awful
This maybe my favorite cut
JonerJ said:
Does anybody know what cuts Weilin did?

SpencerWan said:
The three leading up to the last cut.
Can't wait to see seasok 2's content on here🥰🥰🥰
still no season 2 content here huh?
Date Aug 14, 2023 User Amicus_1 Rating Questionable Score 26
Still missing the first two frames at start (Honey with the two eyes closed)
R0S3 said:
Still missing the first two frames at start (Honey with the two eyes closed)
I was thinking about including those, but decided against it
Yooo finally Tomita goodness again!
What did Pix do here? All of this looks decently like Tomita to me, though I'm admittedly just going off of what I know of his general timing quirks