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The shading/shadows are super naturalistic, so I wouldn't be surprised if some sort of 3D lighting reference was used, but we can't be certain unless Myoun or one of the other production people tweet about it. Either way it's a very impressive walk cycle
The stiff hands are a pretty big 3D giveaway
gestureflow said:
The stiff hands are a pretty big 3D giveaway
The stiff hands, the way the hands and feet move on the depth axis, the lack of deformation, the movement of the fabric, and the shadows all scream 3D model to me. If this isn't straight CG then I'm convinced it was at least heavily referenced from if not outright drawn over a CG base.
After all, is this scene 3d or 2d?
shs1995 said:
After all, is this scene 3d or 2d?
Strictly speaking, it is 2D. As discussed above, there might CGI assistance that ended up being traced or referenced by the end.
Heavily referenced but not traced, if you look closely you can see the movements of the red boots don't match to one another(CG would be precise and synchronized) and the skirts are very 2d
Even as an artist and animator myself who had CG-like shading. It's possible to animate CG-like animation done by hand with or without reference or assistance. Learning volume, depth, and shape is enough based on my experience.
It's good stuff, but it looks uncanny. Still good stuff.
There wasn't any CGI assistance here (or anywhere in the show outside of musical performances) after all
theczar said:
There wasn't any CGI assistance here (or anywhere in the show outside of musical performances) after all
Just a minor thing to note: Saito is talking about CGI for movement reference

All CLW anime use CGI LO for background reference for basically every cut.