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one of the best bits of animation ive ever seen
Im boutta bust (╬ಠ益ಠ)
No human can make shit like this, is he some sort of advanced computer ai perhaps?
This is goddamn insane. Holy crap.
I honestly thought this was Yutapon's work when I saw this in theaters.
The spatial awareness is off the charts. I can't help but laugh when it pans to Todoroki talking (0:12) and it's just mouth flaps then back to insane sakuga.
Anonryuu said:
The spatial awareness is off the charts. I can't help but laugh when it pans to Todoroki talking (0:12) and it's just mouth flaps then back to insane sakuga.
me imagino al storyboarder de esta escena o a Suzuki pensando:

3 segundos de todoroki hablando y luego seguimos con la locura
Well that explains the man not appearing anywhere after his cut in the last season, dude was busy making this incredible cut!
holy hell this is insane, I can't even begin to imagine how long this must've taken to animate.
Sooo I'm assuming this is what Nakamura was talking about here:


Absolutely insane stuff
The sense of scale Suzuki can depict while maintaining insane level of precision is absolutely outstanding.
His BG animation is always too perfect, some would define it "3D like", it hurts to watch thinking that a human can do something like this.
I should've known that this madness was Suzuki. Bravo.
The fact that there's not a single CGI element in this sequence is the most impressive thing to me. Some of the best background animation I've ever seen, not to mention everything else...
Genuinely one of the best background animation cuts I’ve ever seen
KoHorizon said:
is 0:34 animated on 1s ?
This is the kind of thing you can really only get with a movie, insane
The camera work is INSANE. The part with the helicopter is FIRE.
This had to have taken at least a year to animate
lost my absolute shit in the theaters at this scene
0:33 weird noone has pointed the goofy face he added here lmao
From the start to a minute in is all 1 cut. Geez, that timesheet must have been a nightmare.
I am scaraoused from the quality
this is insane in every aspect
This sequence blew me away
I bet this will eventually be the highest rated video on the website.
OmankoMan said:
I bet this will eventually be the highest rated video on the website.
It definitely could be, what's number one right now?
Dewy_confirmed said:
It definitely could be, what's number one right now?
You can check by typing order:score in the search. It's Yutapon's work from mob psycho ep 8. The top area in general is dominated by Yutapon, with a few Arifumi Imai scenes in there. While it's pretty much impossible to judge animation at that level, I still feel like this clip is the best I've ever seen in my life.
It's sad to see so many horrible animation takes, especially on twitter.
Curious if anyone else can see what I'm seeing. During the sequence starting at 0:04, Rody is falling straight down. At 0:06, he gets caught by Todoroki's ice and shifts directions to move horizontally along the base of the canyon. Then at 0:08 he pops out of the canyon (vertical movement) without ever shifting direction again. The camera moves so that it looks like he's moving vertically, but his orientation never changes. Not meant as a gotcha against the cut but I am curious if anyone else sees this, since it makes that part of the cut read weirdly to me. Otherwise amazing work from Suzuki.
is it all one cut till 0:57??