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My favorite sequence of the episode, not for the sakuga itself but everything here is so beautiful
yes,me too
Ishitani was able to convey all the epicness,the grandiosity of the sittuation and the emotions

literally ,breathtaking

what a bless to witness this talent
holy shit, I haven't even watched one piece, but that cut from Oden to Luffy bathed in the same light gave me chills
Literally in the entire episode I did not have goose bumps from emotion, I almost screamed, I was even more excited than any movie, knowing that this is not a movie ... it is the weekly anime of One Piece

I have no words the truth
1st cut was by Tang, and others were by two animators at Phantom.
Compositing is brilliant. Jesus that first cut with luffy putting his hat. It feel so special.
I'm so happy one piece is so beautiful now