FabulousSakuga said:
"or at least I don't think so". Sorry, I just wasn't aware of what was allowed and I was too lazy to look up the rules haha. But, I do see it's allowed for rating:e tag, but I'm talking about strictly hentai. Like, 95% of what has been posted was from fanservice titles. There were a couple of Mezzo Forte and AIL scenes posted though. So this means we are allowed to post hentai on here? Like real hentai? Not just fanservice anime? Just wanting to clarify. Thank you.
please notifiy the mods in advance if youre planning to upload anything of the sort, but I dont recommend it anyway. Also, I get that you appreciate the posts that are up, but maybe refrain from making comments? Most of the thumbnails are very explicit and im sure there are a handful of people who dont want to see that when looking in the comment section.