Date Jun 4, 2014 User kyouray Rating Safe Score 264
Holy, I feel like this is underrated! is this underrated?
FLCL? I wouldn't say so really, it's not too relevant but it seems like everyone knows about it, it definitely has its fair share of dedicated fans
Date Jan 9, 2022 User dragonhunteriv Rating Safe Score 32
Nobuyoshi Habara was credited under an alias on Project A-ko: Mamoru Konoe (近衛真守).
Date Jan 20, 2023 User N4ssim Rating Safe Score 165
Timesheet for C313 & C314 :
i had no idea how to tag this, because based off the genga uploads at https://www.sakugabooru.com/post/show/87837 and https://www.sakugabooru.com/post/show/87838 we know the majority of it is him, but the few cuts that don't seem to be included at the start and end of the scene aren't confirmed. even though im almost certain they're him too, i am under the impression a presume is still necessary because of those, if they arent hard confirmed

edit: turns out i was right to do that, sushios atwiki page says he did the parts where the "classmates gather", which has to be the bit at the end here https://w.atwiki.jp/sakuga/pages/228.html
damn that second cut looks nice with the effects
ngl this is pretty awesome, it literally reminds me of Sugita a bit.
Could it be Fukuda again? Looks a lot like his Endeavor vs high end cuts.
MankoMan said:
Could it be Fukuda again? Looks a lot like his Endeavor vs high end cuts.
Fukuda wasn't credited, whomever did it definitely took notice though
Could this also be NC shotarou tamemizu
Should be Horiuchi for the first 3 cuts minimum
0:00 - 0:19 - Honjo


The cut @0:23 is in the action gengashuu the Possible KA are:
内田直人, 杉本幸子, 堀内球子, 伊藤優希, 吉川知希, 倉本和希, 神谷智大, 吉井勝也
The cuts in the gengashuu appear to match what should be Horiuchi's handwriting, gonna keep the presumed to be on the safe side until I can be 100% sure it's her handwriting