This cut really has everything man. And after all that heat there’s some character acting and jiggle physics too. We’re feasting.
0:20 - 0:22 is Yamashita's retake, the same almost artifact-like squares can be found @ post #202574 (0:13)

effectively the whole 2nd half is his animation though
I talked with a mod back in the day and he said to leave the henshin part split
Awesome camera angle at 0:10
Never expected to see this here. The interesting thing I've discovered about these Rumic World OAVs is that most of them only have two people, the same two people credited as KA: 山本直子 (Naoko Yamamoto) and 遠藤麻未 (Asami Endô).
Date Oct 29, 2018 User RatScum Rating Safe Score 251
Confirmed from genga (but I think this one was pretty obvious lol)
It's possible that another animator (or even one of Harris's assistants) did one or both of the brief chase shots (:20-:26). Other than that I'm confident that the rest of the sequence is Harris.
I presumed years ago that it was non-credited work by John Carey, in which he did do credited work on a short similar to this one. He was an animator receiving credited scenes during this time and this would be before any of the Jones assistants (Richard Thompson, Abe Levitow) would receive credit for their own scenes.

I do feel that Ken Harris at least finished up animating duties for this segment, since Carey's time in the unit was very short-lived. I can't imagine anyone else could be animating from 0:06 to 0:09, but there have been instances where animators do finish up the remaining footage and make do on what's available to them.
Carey's Bugs is supposed to be more McKimson-esque. He only did the beginning of A Hound for Trouble under Jones.
This looks definitely like one of Harris' former assistants. Smears, brush and unrefined eyes bring me to believe it's Dick Thompson. Bugs does and doesn't look Harris-esque at the same time.
I'm not so sure I agree 100% with your detective work there DB
ibcf said:
I'm not so sure I agree 100% with your detective work there DB
I don't think it's Harris at all. My bet is on Levitow's additional corrections. I still believe it's Thompson, via footpads, hefty drybrush and smears.
Never trust the number of credited animators on-screen completely.
The wink at 0:13 isn't something Vaughan would do.
I don't think it's him.