1:02 shida impact frames, I love
shida greatness, best gear 2nd has ever looked man
Insane work. Looks like heavy Takuya Saito AD
there was an old MAD that had this scene for ito and i actually agree with a lot of the clips in there so it must be legit

Unusual AR due to the whole new part of the OVA being bookended by a zoom in/out of an old photograph I guess. Sure would be nice to have a better source regardless
ラストシーンを作画。(アニメージュ1988年11月号およびご本人のtwitter**より), specified on a stream that it was the last ~30 cuts so should be the entirety of it
Hiroki Takagi: ステージシーンの前半(「いまだから語れる80年代アニメ秘話~美少女アニメの萌芽~」より)
Atsuko Inoue: ステージシーンの後半(「いまだから語れる80年代アニメ秘話~美少女アニメの萌芽~」より)
Spad got Kozuma's confirmation for a bunch of this https://twitter.com/kozuma_/status/639722688710217728 Final Kozuma cuts here play after the already uploaded stock.
Someone baited Ito into confirming his uncredited work, scene starts earlier but these are the best couple of cuts for sure https://twitter.com/manakare_i/status/1096440382936608768 Ito also confirmed Anno worked on the episode uncredited