Pocahontas/Flit - Randy Haycock
Copper/Tod - Courtney DiPaola
Dumbo/Timothy Mouse - Austin Traylor
Basil/Dawson/Duchess/Mama Odie/Thomas O'Malley - Tyler Pacana
Gurgi - Robert Cox
Berlioz, Marie, Toulouse - Ella Khan
Tong/Boun - Louaye Moulayess
Madrigals - Andrew Feliciano
Date Oct 18, 2023 User N4ssim Rating Safe Score 114
every character here (2nd cut) was animated by its own animator (as in post #9219). and sakuga wiki says that akitake animated ritsu playing drums in op (since he plays drums himself. or rather "played"). according to horiguchi, he also did drumming scene(s) in the first ep, which he was not credited on, so she probably meant someone else. i wonder how many musicians kyoani had

Max was Mark Mitchell, Charming/Cinderella were animated by Alex Kuperschmidt.

Rapunzel was Adam Green! All the 2D folks (Clarabelle, Kaa, Mickey) were animated by Bert Klein.
Ruben Aquino did Ursula
James did the Bambi characters
Date Nov 4, 2023 User MuddyYoshi Rating Safe Score 165
Date Nov 5, 2023 User Iluvatar Rating Safe Score 50
Sano had a heavy hand in all of the mechanical animation in the film but Yuki elaborates on him in reference to this scene

Nobuteru Yuki:

原画は 佐野さん ではなく

竹内 志保 氏 だそうです😊

作監修正 入れてると