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Sick as. Going on Paragon Sakuga.
I though the car was actually cg, because it's so detailed and well colored. I wish more western cartoons had this much effort put into them in terms of animation.
In the Batman: TAS art book mentioned in the catsuka forum post this upload was sourced from, we can see part of a scene folder for "cut 29" of this OP that has kazuhide tomonaga's name on it, apparently a 5 second and 18 frame shot. The only cut that seems to fit this description is the final shot of Batman on the roof (not included in this upload). It seems fair to presume he did much more if not all of the key animation here, but without further evidence we can only leave it at that--a presumption.

Catsuka forum post - https://www.catsuka.com/interf/forum/viewtopic.php?p=221008#p221008

Art book scan - https://archive.org/details/batman-animated-1998-scan-stacalkas/page/n5/mode/2up
(scene folder is on bottom right with tomonaga's name 友永 in red next to "BATMAN OP")
I never got tired of seeing this intro.