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is it known who did what cuts?
It's Isuta action AD corrections + Rin-mi KA
thanks! It's not to the first time an AD being tagged confused me, I feel like maybe this should be addressed and decided on, how do you tag them, maybe putting (AD: artist) in the source like some do should be the standard, and actually tagging is in cases like a layout being completely redrawn
edit: this topic might have been brought up before and maybe there is some logic behind it i'm not aware of, at the very least I don't see anything in the tag guidelines
yeah there is no guideline or separate tag for AD corrections so it can be confusing. Because of that we usually either put it in a comment or in the source field like you said (AD: artist) but this is a pretty old post so it was forgotten I guess.

TBH even figuring out when it's appropriate to tag the AD is tough without being able to see what the layout looked like before they corrected it. I think I will remove Isuta from this post because it's not the best indicator of his animation, the comments are sufficient enough imo.