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this is not FLCL. is a generic anime with generic designs and standard animation
chingatumadreculero said:
this is not FLCL. is a generic anime with generic designs and standard animation
As a whole show, it's a tragically immense misunderstanding of what made the original a milestone in anime and a cashgrab over its name fused together. To be fair, it has some moment of really good animation, but that's all. It hasn't at all the creativity and depth of directing FLCL had, nor its meaningfulness under the apparent meaningless crazy exterior, nor the jawdropping animation directing timed perfectly with the The Pillows' music in basically every single scene. Even the costume and mecha design is quite bland, and well, this is biased ofc, but Sadamoto's style for the chara design is on another level... It's sad to think... you know, in this case we can't even do the classic comparison "analogic anime, its strenght and weakness against digitally made anime, its strength and weakness" cause by Santa Claus' beard, even the original was digitally made, probably the first anime produced in that way, and expressed successfully way more visual quality than something from an era when there is way more experience in that kind of work style... sigh xD.

Damn, even not mentioning the awesome action scenes, that single cut of Mamimi with the camera i had commented has more weight and depth than the WHOLE sequel...

That said, and as this is a place rather voted to the animation side, i must begrudgingly admit that this first sequel (more the second sequel, but even here too) has some really artistically cool moments, and some cuts with great animation. But it's just that, it's technically well made animation, fluid, high in quality, but it's not supported by a great directing (forgive me I'm very convoluted in expressing myself, how to say: it's like the difference between animating an arm's movement by doing it just fluid and correct, but boring, and doing it finding times, pauses, angles appropriate to make it look good, original and intense...)
gurdim said:
As a whole show, it's a tragically immense misunderstanding of what made the original a milestone in anime and a cashgrab over its name fused together. To be fair, it has some moment of really good animation, but that's all. It hasn't at all the creativity and depth of directing FLCL had, nor its meaningfulness under the apparent meaningless crazy exterior, nor the jawdropping animation directing timed perfectly with the The Pillows' music in basically every single scene. Even the costume and mecha design is quite bland, and well, this is biased ofc, but Sadamoto's style for the chara design is on another level... It's sad to think... you know, in this case we can't even do the classic comparison "analogic anime, its strenght and weakness against digitally made anime, its strength and weakness" cause by Santa Claus' beard, even the original was digitally made, probably the first anime produced in that way, and expressed successfully way more visual quality than something from an era when there is way more experience in that kind of work style... sigh xD.

Damn, even not mentioning the awesome action scenes, that single cut of Mamimi with the camera i had commented has more weight and depth than the WHOLE sequel...

That said, and as this is a place rather voted to the animation side, i must begrudgingly admit that this first sequel (more the second sequel, but even here too) has some really artistically cool moments, and some cuts with great animation. But it's just that, it's technically well made animation, fluid, high in quality, but it's not supported by a great directing (forgive me I'm very convoluted in expressing myself, how to say: it's like the difference between animating an arm's movement by doing it just fluid and correct, but boring, and doing it finding times, pauses, angles appropriate to make it look good, original and intense...)
Episode 5 is about the only one that tries. But that's just it, it tries. It still has many of the same fundamental directorial flaws as the rest of the season. And I think a huge issue of this is that I.G never asked any of the original production staff to take part in it. As they were part of the reason why the series stuck out visually. Without it, it's just another run of the mill I.G series at best and painfully sub-par at worst.

And that's not even getting into Alternative, which manages to look more generic than even any generic SoL series or hell, something like modern day Family Guy or Simpsons. I don't even know how I.G and NUT pulled that off.