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I'm in absolute love with the manga series. It's called Pokemon Special (Pokemon Adventures). It's shortened to Pokespe in the west but it's referred to as PokeSP (ポケスペ) officially. The first 9 or so volumes were done by an artist called Mato, but was taken over by Satoshi Yamamoto following Volume 10 due to Mato being ill. Yamamoto's been working on the series since for a long time.

The manga basically rotates the main characters every new arc. Characters also progress and age and there's a unified continuity just like the anime. The series right now has 53 volumes, plus an additional 12 volumes (that are not yet integrated into the main volume count and are just straight magazine to volume form with minimal changes)

The mangaka (Satoshi Yamamoto) saw this fan-animation and wrote:
"Today’s the day that all sorts of dreams come true."
I thought copyright tags should only be added when the animation is from an official production? Iwane animates in the official anime, sure, but this piece is technically a “fan work” from him.
Igettäjä said:
I thought copyright tags should only be added when the animation is from an official production? Iwane animates in the official anime, sure, but this piece is technically a “fan work” from him.
I don't think that kind of exception makes sense, but okay.
Really this makes no sense, I think copyright tags must stuck with official productions.
Moderation staff already had this talk years ago and was decided to leave as a copyright tag any "fanart" of an animator involved with the show. We have tagged like this for years and we are not going to go through 50k posts just to untag a handful of them.
If that is indeed a rule that should be followed consistently, it should be added to the tag guidelines at the very least.

Edit: I just realized I could edit the guidelines myself, so I added the rule there.