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We quite literally have a tag for hair. If you don't want the windy kind just click off of a post. You guys adding useless pools for stuff you can easily access is getting pretty ridiculous. I get moebooru isn't that new user friendly but ffs please. Hell, here's the link to the help page so you can learn over 100 new ways to operate the site https://www.sakugabooru.com/help. Nice hair animation here by the way!
KamKKF said:
We quite literally have a tag for hair. If you don't want the windy kind just click off of a post. You guys adding useless pools for stuff you can easily access is getting pretty ridiculous. I get moebooru isn't that new user friendly but ffs please. Hell, here's the link to the help page so you can learn over 100 new ways to operate the site https://www.sakugabooru.com/help. Nice hair animation here by the way!
Sorry! I'll keep that in mind.
Yuki_ne said:
Sorry! I'll keep that in mind.
no problem, sorry if I came off too harsh. There are more sensible ways to handle this problem that I'll look into in the future.