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Ramo said:
Can DBH stuff be uploaded?
Nope. The promos are mostly stills and looped frames of animation. Nothing good. But I'm sure others can give you a better reason why you shouldn't.
Ramo said:
There are some that are more animated like JM2, GDM3, GM6, etc. I think the problem would be that they are from YouTube.
Well I'm no the best guy to talk to about this tbh. Your better off asking guys like Ajay or DBAnimators or idunno...kVIN? I believe his name was...if it's A-Okay to upload stuff like that.

I'm just saiyan, it might not be a good idea.
Ramo said:
There are some that are more animated like JM2, GDM3, GM6, etc. I think the problem would be that they are from YouTube.
im pretty sure you can upload,but becarefull to be a good cut so it can be accepted by mods,needs to be well animated.
StayDown21 said:
im pretty sure you can upload,but becarefull to be a good cut so it can be accepted by mods,needs to be well animated.
Yeah I forgot that Mods are a thing here. Ramo be caution when editing clips and uploading them. And make sure you add the right tags too.
Ramo said:
I'm not sure if you can get the clips without them being from YouTube.
Bruh,It doesn't matter from where you get the clip as long as it's good enough...