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illustration web yutaka_nakamura

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I got pretty hyped when I saw who the chick on the left was:
Yutaka Nakamura knows Blade of the Immortal! *adds tag for the sadly not-popular series* Makie is the baddest bitch in that series. For her movements to be guided by the pencil of Yutaka Nakamura - I can only daydream.
I'm hoping he'll do some scenes. Arifumi Imai and Yutaka Nakamura: nitroglycerin and plutonium.
RoniePeterson said:
I'm hoping he'll do some scenes. Arifumi Imai and Yutaka Nakamura: nitroglycerin and plutonium.
Not likely. Nakamura is on contract at Bones. Shingeki no Kyojin is a WIT Studio series.
JacobYBM said:
Not likely. Nakamura is on contract at Bones. Shingeki no Kyojin is a WIT Studio series.
It is a pity. Would be amazing!