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It says in sakugawiki that the animators are listed in order of there cuts , but i couldn't figure out what each animator did exactly (https://www18.atwiki.jp/sakuga/pages/868.html )
This is from the show!? Which episode?
RadLotus said:
This is from the show!? Which episode?
its from a 2 minutes music video which was released 3 years before the movie
The cut where the guy grabs his hat stuck out at me when I was researching Masayuki Kobayashi. But if it's really credited in order, his part should probably be the guy running on the power lines. I also saw someone on Twitter say they thought that cut was Kobayashi, but became unsure because they heard someone say it's Kanada. The hat cut, I mean.
Note: 才谷梅太郎 is actually ousaka hiroshi according to Wikipedia, but @wiki doesn't say anything about it