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Definitely seems like Higashide. The smoke and rotations seem very him. I'm not very confident in my guesses unless its Shimanuki
was DB Super's tight time schedule the cause for that horrendous choppy nonsensical snap-of-a-pan on the sky at 0:03?
Possibly. It wouldn't be noticeable, but the pan is out of sync with the rotation.

This episode was super rushed due to Golden Week. At one point, only three people were working on it. Cuts were still being finished up two days before the episode aired. Doesn't surprise me that compositing would be rushed as a result.
Does anyone know where to find the animation credits, now that animators corner no longer does it?
DBanimators said:
Does anyone know where to find the animation credits, now that animators corner no longer does it?
I translate them every week in my animation thread on Kanzenshuu. If you check in about 30 mins after the episode airs, you'll find my post with the staff lists.
Ajay said:
I translate them every week in my animation thread on Kanzenshuu. If you check in about 30 mins after the episode airs, you'll find my post with the staff lists.