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imho, aside the legendary show harboring it, this is one of the most beautiful and artistically crafted single scenes in the whole history of anime.
Every frame, every movement... the slow panning shot on Naota's figure in that statuary pose in the mid of the devastation, the intense expression on Mamimi's face and the sudden decise gesture of aiming with the camera... all of this united portrays perfectly her and Naota's epic moment of personal development.

This without mentioning how the music elevates even more the shot's quality and how this was probably the first fully digitally made anime ever yet it looks like Gainax and IG had already refined the new techniques for a whole life.

Also, pardon this even more personal opinion of mine, but Mamimi in this scene is so gorgeous that he heart bleeds!
gurdim said:
imho, aside the legendary show harboring it, this is one of the most beautiful and artistically crafted single scenes in the whole history of anime.
Every frame, every movement... the slow panning shot on Naota's figure in that statuary pose in the mid of the devastation, the intense expression on Mamimi's face and the sudden decise gesture of aiming with the camera... all of this united portrays perfectly her and Naota's epic moment of personal development.

This without mentioning how the music elevates even more the shot's quality and how this was probably the first fully digitally made anime ever yet it looks like Gainax and IG had already refined the new techniques for a whole life.

Also, pardon this even more personal opinion of mine, but Mamimi in this scene is so gorgeous that he heart bleeds!
Same, it made me so proud of how Mamimi had grew up as a character. It was a real great scene and her hair is real good.