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No surprise that Vincent is a god at transformation sequences too.
That animal running up Lucci’s back is sick.
I instantly knew it was him when I saw it. His style and timing are unique. When Lucci emerges and touches his face it reminded me of a Kaido cut that was very similar.
He's got to do his roughs in 3d, right? The way Lucci sways and Luffy looks during the teeth pop just feel so three dimensional. Either that, or he's got a prodigious sense of space and just animates as if it were. Exceptional sequence. The hair fire being a jaguar that runs up his back, and the hagoromo appearing as a swiping paw are both incredible little details within the chaos as well.
He's already said on Twitter that he doesn't use 3D because it takes him less time to draw what he has in mind with space & volume than it does for him to create and move a 3D model (chad)
ftLoic said:
He's already said on Twitter that he doesn't use 3D because it takes him less time to draw what he has in mind with space & volume than it does for him to create and move a 3D model (chad)
Damn. He really is him.
chansard probably drinks from the same tokyo tap water hirohiko araki uses to wash his face