correction dragon_ball_series dragon_ball_z genga hideko_okimoto masahiro_shimanuki production_materials

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Why would there be two artists working on the same shot ? Or is this just how an artist thinks it should look ? Or is the top one a rough ?
Top would be drawn by the key animator and bottom is the correction by the animation director. (I think)

Yellow sheet indicates a supervisor correction.
Interesting thing is that this is was made for the obscure Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans from 1993.
Here's a screenshot of the exact scene for anyone wondering.
Huh, I even looked through that special before uploading this to see if it was from there. Guess I missed it somehow. Thanks!
Ajay said:
Huh, I even looked through that special before uploading this to see if it was from there. Guess I missed it somehow. Thanks!
Once I saw it, I was like "Oh! Could that be --?" and I guess I was right. I figured it needed to be pointed out.
Also, no problem!
This is either Yoichi Onishi or Hideko Okimoto, but based on the color I'm leaning more towards Onishi.

EDIT: After reevaluating the handwriting I think this is most definitely Okimoto's genga.