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What is this??? I swear I don't remember this
Neeeeekkkksss said:What is this??? I swear I don't remember this
https://youtu.be/d6qCbdXqsOs?si=JC2OPRiGBsFCZYn2 its from the opening by Linked horizon which wasn't in the episode for some reason
harake766 said:
https://youtu.be/d6qCbdXqsOs?si=JC2OPRiGBsFCZYn2 its from the opening by Linked horizon which wasn't in the episode for some reason
The OP/ED are reserved for the episodic version, what we watched was the special/movie version.
The CG integration is fucking insane
SUPER awesome drawings at the end
Mikasa's blades being drawn without outlines looks so nice
Imai for the mikasa right?
Snykow090 said:
Imai for the mikasa right?
not credited