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untai said:
smol genga
considering smears, handwriting (these fingers...) and quality of animation itself, this should be ikeda's work
only the handwriting on the genga is indicative that it might be hers (from what i remember on her correction sheets). all of k. ikeda's confirmed cuts before don't particularly have noticeable traits to it
chii said:
only the handwriting on the genga is indicative that it might be hers (from what i remember on her correction sheets). all of k. ikeda's confirmed cuts before don't particularly have noticeable traits to it
i didn't notice your comment before, sorry. that's pretty harsh to recognise since there only few cuts uploaded here... i just had seen that rageful smears in lucky star op and checked her drawing style as well. it is still wip, because kawanami has some common traits with her style (as my presumption ofc). i'll try to understand who is who