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GKalai said:
At least 0:47-0:52: Ichiro Itano , which is quite famous in the japanese sakuga community as the legendary 5 seconds, is Itano. https://twitter.com/Tsubaki_Mikoto/status/1197780321753649154 they confirm it here, with Itano breaking it down . He says he developed allergies while working on this cut (lmao) . In general i only found Itano's name connected to this battle. Whats the source for Muraki's involvment in this scene ?.

https://twitter.com/hitasuraeiga/status/1062701938117009408 this tweet also says that Itano did everything on the aerial battle scene(s?), from the layouts to drawing the key frames to even checking the inbetweens
The tweet also mentions how the young Yasushi Muraki witnessed Itano doing all that and was apparently shocked at the amount of work needed to get to that level of quality .
https://w.atwiki.jp/coldcup2/pages/9.html This presumes its Itano too

Also from the video and from other quotes and stories within the japanses industry https://w.atwiki.jp/aniwotawiki/pages/7679.html , this was the cut(s) that made Itano get fed up with drawing missles and going into CG cause it was so hard and time consuming

Also from interviews Itano said that he incorporated his experiences of trying fighter plane flight in America during the Macross Plus production for this scene