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Kraker2k said:
This is bizarre..
First time I'm not impressed by Tanaka.
paeses said:
I'm still crying.
Kastel said:
so CR subs was right
tanaka was literally smoking on horses
were these comments necessary XD
osama___a said:
were these comments necessary XD
why would you remake this

some things should just be forgotten as crappy gifs
Cobbles said:
why would you remake this

some things should just be forgotten as crappy gifs
why don't let this scene be forgotten then as mp4 :P

Honestly, I dropped Walkure after the first episode but this scene made me laugh so much that I still remember it sometimes. So when I discovered that it was TNK's and was uploaded here as a gif I /had/ to remake it. I felt it was an obligation even.
I've seen enough Berserk memes to know where this is going