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I feel like the cuts to the manga panels in the episode killed the flow of this scene. It's way more satisfying to see the whole sequence like this.
Kunihiro snappy timing is really satisfying, and yeah, I also think the cuts on the episode hurt the scene it's much better as a continuous piece
Kunihiro has improved so much over the years. Right now he's only second to Abe at Ufotable (Shun Yamaoka is a close 3rd, imo).
Kunihiro timing and poses is sooooo crazy 🐐
clean movements and poses
JoeGD said:
Kunihiro has improved so much over the years. Right now he's only second to Abe at Ufotable (Shun Yamaoka is a close 3rd, imo).
Eh imo Go Kimura is 3rd and Shun Yamaoka is 2nd, I can’t exactly say if Kimura and Kunihiro are close to each other’s level cause there styles are pretty different but I would def agree Kunihiro is still second only to Abe.
Please go to another website to powerscale artists, especially with this myopic action animator focus. It's deeply embarrassing and not at all what actual animation appreciation is about. Usually I'd just delete the comments but I've seen multiple people do it so I'm leaving it as a warning.
I love this cut so much