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I really need to know who did the storyboarding and animation supervision for this
It has the very marked Yoshinari style in the design, shading, effects and circular movement, despite certain moments in which the more "classic" Kanada style predominates.
I think it's Yoshinari and Kaneko as supervisors, Imaishi is probably involved in the boards to some degree
One of the game devs was on the post for the OP on r/anime and I asked them if they had the credits for it and they replied to me with everything, here: https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/12xszkq/omega_strikers_trailer_made_by_studio_trigger/jhm8h0m/

KA list is:
Sae Otani
Aoi Abe
Taizan Nakatsukasa
Izumi Iwafuchi
Takafumi Chida
Yoshitaka Mano
Kai Ikarashi

2nd KA:
Misaki Mori
Hiroyuki Imaishi
Yoh Yoshinari

Yoshinari kantoku/CD/AD and the board is Imaishi