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should be Imaizumi I think, based on 0:03 Code's shot especially nose. with some correction by CAD Rinako Nishihara
yadontnow1 said:
should be Imaizumi I think, based on 0:03 Code's shot especially nose. with some correction by CAD Rinako Nishihara
I dont think it is, should be Horiuchi's correction as action AD for most of it
PurpleGeth said:
I dont think it is, should be Horiuchi's correction as action AD for most of it
well I'm talking about the CAD's artstyle for Kawaki, but you're definitely not wrong for the action correction. All good.
yadontnow1 said:
well I'm talking about the CAD's artstyle for Kawaki, but you're definitely not wrong for the action correction. All good.
not disagreeing about Nishihara's involvement, I dont think Imaizumi touched this scene but I could be wrong
PurpleGeth said:
not disagreeing about Nishihara's involvement, I dont think Imaizumi touched this scene but I could be wrong
Fair enough.

Sorry for a very late respond, but I said that because the Code's nose is really Imaizumi style, like 135 when Urashiki's smirk after eating his own eyes and Deepa from 166 "is that your limit?"

and also Imaizumi said he only correct his own part too as AD... so let's just wait for a further confirmation.