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Armin blushing is cute.

By the way, Nakamura is the key animator, and Inotsume is the second key animator
Still a bit confused on what exactly is the distinction between KA and 2nd KA, honestly.

For this post for example, did Nakamura draw Armin, while Inotsume drew the blushes or something?
GoldenMonkey said:
Still a bit confused on what exactly is the distinction between KA and 2nd KA, honestly.
Everything you can see here is Inotsume's 2nd KA

I'm horrible with words so bare with me here

Anime work can be split into two parts, layouts and genga - layouts are your rough KA and genga is where its cleaned up and any corrections are added (seen here)

If an animator cleans their own work we just call this stage genga but if they just draw layouts and another animator cleans it up we call this 2nd genga/2nd Key animation

So in this example Nakamura drew the rough KA which was cleaned up by Inotsume

This isn't a great explanation but I hope it helps a little