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Imamura did the LO for Mihari in 0:02.9–0:07.8. Source: おにまい総作監修正集2.
Igettäjä said:
Imamura did the LO for Mihari in 0:02.9–0:07.8. Source: おにまい総作監修正集2.
Are you sure he did LO and not corrections? Just want to make sure since the title of the book literally says it's a collection of chief AD corrections.
Bloodystar said:
Are you sure he did LO and not corrections? Just want to make sure since the title of the book literally says it's a collection of chief AD corrections.
Yeah, the posts I've tagged him in are clearly differentiated in the book. They contain the whole cut (all keys of the cut or layer) and standard genga notation like timing diagrams. They are also *not* marked with 修 or 修の修 in any of the sheets, unlike most of the stuff in the book. The parts he specifically confirmed having (re-)done from the ground up on Twitter (like post #222275 and post #222272) are included in the book and match this description as well.