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I'm assuming this is Hisayuki because it looks just like his Fairy Tail work and He's the director, character designer and animation supervisor on this thing. Can't find KA credits for any of the episodes of this anywhere though.
SakugaDaichi said:
I'm assuming this is Hisayuki because it looks just like his Fairy Tail work and He's the director, character designer and animation supervisor on this thing. Can't find KA credits for any of the episodes of this anywhere though.
I never got why shows like this never bothered to list its animators. It feels like they're cheating their staff by doing so.
Even on the official website they don't list the animator but they do list the animation studio Jūmonji. I only ever see this done on western cartoons but even then they at least list the animation directors and storyboarders from the studios on the individual episodes.