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the last few cuts were missing on the original upload, they're confirmed to be animated by qkawa

original comments: https://imgur.com/vMBydxI
This whole episode is just incredible

A major (and I mean MAJOR) increase in key animation quality combined with S-tier direction lead to a gorgeous product I had to take a few minutes to recover from

In terms of production quality, it's the best episode in all of Bleach, and is the pinnacle of Bleach's visuals (including the movies)
imo, only the opening sequence to Hell Verse can compare and considering the wildly different circumstances, it's not worth comparing. Definitely an incredible episode
Gotta love the effects of Q Kawa
I quite dig the paint brush style of the flames.
Big props not only to Q Kawa, but also Saori Goda, the color designer.
What a spectacle!
Kudos to the composite team too!
Adding cgi tag for the skeletons