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This fight is a good example of why sometimes less is more. The movements are smooth and feel realistic, but it also makes the fight kinda slow and awkward. I feel like snappier timing would've helped this fight feel more impactful rather than so one note.
Seems she's a robot (or she's one?)
Oh, duuuude.
I don't know how to make webms, but there exists such a snappier fight in another Real Drive ep that isn't on the 'booru.

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm20719161 - Starting at 05:07.
I'm also interested in knowing which animator did that cut; it's one of my favorites in the series.

Bloodystar said:
Seems she's a robot (or she's one?)
They're both androids, but they can whup ass at high speeds and intensity.
FierceAlchemist said:
This fight is a good example of why sometimes less is more. The movements are smooth and feel realistic, but it also makes the fight kinda slow and awkward. I feel like snappier timing would've helped this fight feel more impactful rather than so one note.
I think that third shot is meant to go in and out of slow motion, hence the slow animation. The sound might help sell the effect a bit better, but I wouldn't know because I never got as far as episode 5.
simple-minded said:
I think that third shot is meant to go in and out of slow motion, hence the slow animation. The sound might help sell the effect a bit better, but I wouldn't know because I never got as far as episode 5.
The sound is totally normal during the entirety of that cut. They even have an announcer talking in the background, excitedly, at normal speed, throughout it. :P
Hitorio said:
The sound is totally normal during the entirety of that cut. They even have an announcer talking in the background, excitedly, at normal speed, throughout it. :P
There you go - it's the sound-effects-person's fault. Case closed!