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Highlight cut of an already outstanding episode
fucking incredible but the dragon ball comparisons are gonna be actual hell this week
reo said:fucking incredible but the dragon ball comparisons are gonna be actual hell this week
i mean it literally is db, its nakamura, but theres nothing wrong with that lol
the timing, weight and camerawork reminded me of onishi's work
Juniorwers said:
i mean it literally is db, its nakamura, but theres nothing wrong with that lol
not saying it isn't cause it definitely is, but people are gonna use that to say that the cut looks bad like every time the show dared to use auras

it's already begun on twitter
The cut is really good, but boy oh boy is it over the top
Best cut from the episode, but not gonna lie, this choreography is literally a dragon ball scene. The over the top effects never bottered me but this one is literally dbs
So much hate for this scene man wtf
One of the most impressive cuts I've seen all year.
I value a good scene but it was too out of place to use them in this case, it's literally the dispute of gospes covered in aura that Shida made of goku Vs Jiren in the DBS 130 ep...