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khwan said:
Kigami's credited for layout(solo) and key animation in this movie.
I guess he's at least responsible for the rough animation of these scenes.
JanEstra said:
I really liked how the film was ambitious in 3D camera panning. Makes me wonder if there's other traditionally animated media that employs background animation most of the time.
Trisection said:
Aside from those animations for 2D video games there's Osamu Tezuka's Jumping.
Kraker2k said:
The Captain Power series of training videos feature 3 episodes of non stop background animation. There's some looping and reusage, but there's a lot of impressive work there. A young Shinya Ohira was one of the ADs. http://youtu.be/1FAuDYqaW58?t=2m5s

Anipages also covers it in his post on 'Anime games' - http://www.pelleas.net/aniTOP/index.php/anime-games