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episode is outsourced to Good Book so this powerful scene almost definitely didn't spawn from any of the credited genga people.

Toshihisa Kaiya and Katsuya Yamada are regular ADs while Takeuchi is the action sakkan across the entire show however it certainly can't be the latter two, while Kaiya we know less about so its harder to say. I think its possible to be his correction (users like Marketani and KamKKF are sleeping on him) but it would be quite a lot to ask of a complete redraw of a random scene like this.

If I had to guess as far as NC goes I think there are a lot of similarities to Takahiro Chiba but thats just a somewhat random guess
unkoer and some others pointed it out but hidekazu terakawa was the production assistant(yes not the producer) for this episode...so It could be an even larger pool of IG animators than originally expected. I still think it looks like itazu(or second choice takenaka) though