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Almost looks like Mitsuo Iso's full limited technique
or maybe I just don't understand what it means :-|
Tzur said:
Almost looks like Mitsuo Iso's full limited technique
or maybe I just don't understand what it means :-|
from what I understand, full limited is mainly animating on 2s and 3s, and completely doing a way with in-between animation. As a result, you get a much more rougher yet consistent look comparatively to when cleaned up in post production, although it’s much more demanding on the key animator as every single drawing is a keyframe. I would imagine Matsumoto was informed by Iso’s style in a few ways

Judging by this clip, the second cut does have an Iso-esque, approach. If you look at the head for the first couple of frames he draws almost identical head shots in between while the main body reorients itself to then see the guy from the bottom coming to attack. Leaving the head kind of rigid while the body does all the work is a very common thing that happens in Iso’s work, you can also see animators like Bahi JD go in that direction sometimes

Just my observation
There is a possibility that Matsumoto took some inspiration from Iso's work in Gosenzosama Banbanzai