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The quality for these (TV) uploads are lower, because no good sources are availalbe for it anymore.
The Home-video version beeing altered by the serie director, only the TV version are uploaded.
Iluvatar said:
The quality for these (TV) uploads are lower, because no good sources are availalbe for it anymore.
The Home-video version beeing altered by the serie director, only the TV version are uploaded.
I'm sorry, can you (or someone else who knows) explain how the home video version is worse because of Series Director changes? I've never seen this show and I don't plan on watching it, I'm just curious about the process behind tweaking an anime for home video.
Sabotower said:
I'm sorry, can you (or someone else who knows) explain how the home video version is worse because of Series Director changes? I've never seen this show and I don't plan on watching it, I'm just curious about the process behind tweaking an anime for home video.
Yamakan nerfed the animation by removing frames