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Kojima just gets better and better and better with each episode that it's literally insane.

This was overall the best-directed episode of One Piece... anything.... EVER. And considering the heights this series has already reached, that is one hell of an achievement.
Who’s the director for this episode??
Izz_Harith said:
Who’s the director for this episode??
Megumi Ishitani
Kojima never disappoints
Genuinely can’t believe a long running shounen with over 1000 episodes has animation like this.
Quite possibly Kojima's best sequence on One Piece, maybe even his best work ever...

Kojima's effects with Ishitani's direction and lighting look so beautiful...
I honestly so happy that they allow animators to really deviate from the CDs it really allows for episodes like these to just shine, with soty and Kojima's insane art.
In this scene I could no longer contain happiness

It is simply spectacular what kojima did in this sequence
1K this quickly. Kojima power baby
1k in 4 days like a certain deaf kings fight scene.
This scene still gives me goosebumps
Kojima and Soty are going crazy this arc.