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Hone confirmed this is his and Ishizuka wasn't credited. He did definitely take a lot of inspiration from Ishizuka (among many others!) here though.
man wtf, this is yutaka nakamura/ ishizuka level
Shigetsugu went from really good scenes to insane awesome scenes in One Piece
MrBushido said:
Fantastic Animation, but I really do wonder why the anime feels the need to implement these out of place effects in one piece, feels really jarring every time they use them. But I can't complain if it looks this good.
I will take Jarrng "Webgen-esque" Sakuga over The generally bland action in Punk hazard and dressrosa anyday. For those of us who've been here for a while this is a dream come true. Not since Sabaody has one piece felt so consistently good. I thought it was a mistake to show these scenes right after Ryo Onishi's Thriller Bark sequence and somehow got the shock of a lifetime
MrBushido said:
Fantastic Animation, but I really do wonder why the anime feels the need to implement these out of place effects in one piece, feels really jarring every time they use them. But I can't complain if it looks this good.
Not where the story is currently it doesn't
Just to break this discussion that belongs more to twitter or other similar social media, can we actually appreciate and focus on how good the animation actually is?
¿que pasó allí arriba?

Dios entiendo que sea cuestión de gustos pero por favor han tenido esta clase de debates como 10103i1203123012 veces, simplemente aprecienlo

It reminds me of Ishizuka, but with movements not so exaggerated
Wait i really thought it was Ishizuka JEZZ
I am going to remove my previous comments, not because I retract my viewpoint, but because its right that this isn't an ideal discussion format.
MrBushido said:
Fantastic Animation, but I really do wonder why the anime feels the need to implement these out of place effects in one piece, feels really jarring every time they use them. But I can't complain if it looks this good.
Im not sure if I'd ever put the words "One Piece" and "out of place" in the same sentence, especially now of all times too
this almost looks more like an ishizuka cut than actual ishizuka cuts. fantastic work