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A couple things to get out of the way:

1. I apologize for the aspect ratio, this was the only one that didn't make the video look squished to hell and back.
2. I decided to make this a supercut, so sorry if the cuts aren't entirely perfect.

If you feel the need to delete this, then go right ahead. It is your call.
There is a josh_meador tag already.
lovcrimson said:
There is a josh_meador tag already.
Ah, sorry.
Josh Meador is known as an effects animator for Walt Disney but his character work here is pretty good. In fact, I could see this monster being in a Disney production.
ehh1234 said:
Josh Meador is known as an effects animator for Walt Disney but his character work here is pretty good. In fact, I could see this monster being in a Disney production.
this monster is made frome special effects maybe thats why the character animation here is great