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Thurlow's part is just the coolest thibg.
Thurlow's part was great but wished he didn't use heavy shadings, since heavy shadings are kinda not fit very well with black and white style.
THE BACKGROUND 1j1gikjvfkajvamvkipanvipanva
I knew Thurlow was gonna outdo himself but holy crap this is fantastic!
0:00-0:06 Yong-Ce Tu
0:07-0:40 Henry Thurlow
0:41-end Vann Oba
TomorrowDA said:
Thurlow's part was great but wished he didn't use heavy shadings, since heavy shadings are kinda not fit very well with black and white style.
Funny I thought the opposite, the heavy shading added a really nice touch to the black and white. (Imo)
Really great work by Henry. Glad to have him on the One Piece staff full time now.
Never thought I'd see the day when One Piece would regularly have movie quality animations In It's weekly episodes...
Thurlow is reaching his truly potential with each new cut he makes. Every time he appears is a better scene
Last 5 or so seconds after Thurlow is Van Oba. Corrected by Kitazaki.
and here I thought this was Shida, that's how good this is
I just realized this loops perfectly.
gaditoo said:
I just realized this loops perfectly.
Es verdad!!

Grande gaditoo! ❤️
WTBorp said:
0:00-0:03 Yong-Ce Tu
0:04-0:40 Henry Thurlow
0:41-end Vann Oba
Tu is from 0:00 to 0:06