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Fourth (I think) Shida cut in Wano.

I love it. :D
Well it kinda depends, there's three that he actually did (915, 925, and here) but then there's also the scene in 952 that was his layout from a cut in 915 but redone in genga by Kitazaki. But yeah, love Shida's quirky animation and stylish art.
I knew this was him, LETS GOO
Shida being a god as usual
As soon I saw the shaky fist at 0:02 I knew it was him.
shida and kojima are the two animators from toei that can be easily recognized
shida with the smooth animation and kojima with his unique art
Naotoshi shida 's animation are soo easy to acknowledge
gokilzo said:
shida and kojima are the two animators from toei that can be easily recognized
shida with the smooth animation and kojima with his unique art
They're not Toei employees, Shida is freelance but mainly sticks with Toei and Kojima is absolutely freelance as he's on a lot of other non Toei projects, he just loves One Piece and is friends with the production manager of it Tetsuji Akahori
shida has a restraining order on the presumed tag
absolute king
He literally killed that man.