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原画・動画:劉 洋

スペースネコカンパニー (テニス部)小原 秀一(野球部)
さらんらっぷ (サッカー部)paul williams (陸上部)
Nitro (卓球部)北村みなみ(ちびキャラ)津田(バスの中)
山下 清悟 (吹奏楽部)syo5 (テニス部)
隋 縁 (バスケ部)劉 禹辰 (バレー部)
平岡 政展 (弓道部)Aaron Formilleza (チア部)
Rémy Clarke (水泳部)ういう (カヌー部)
するめ (柔道部)野村 生淡 (野球部マネージャー)

According to the credit, it should be:
All the baseball club part is Hidekazu Ohara, all the track and field club part is Paul Williams, all the table tennis club part is Nitro, all the soccer club part is Saranrappu, all the tennis club part is syo5, all the basketball club part is Yuan Sui, and the part without sports is Yang Liu.
The only puzzled stuff is the scene around 0:22 appears many balls but I'm not sure if it's key animation or background staff's work so I didnt tag the guy who did volleyball club part.