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Absolute insanity
How is this show real
Absolutely mindblowing holy shit.
Yooo apoo be lookin fresh as a breadloaf
Yooo apoo be lookin fresh as a breadloaf
man this whole sequence was fantastic
How's this even possible, this is too good
Ishitani direct my life, dear god!
If you told me this scene was from a movie I wouldn't doubt you. Just wow.

direction and storyboard are genius

no words really no words can do justice to this genius,she is my number one director
the last part with the ships and the charge was breathtaking
First 19 seconds by Yang Huang.
The colors and constant motion throughout this was so good. Ishitani really showing off.
OMG, this cut absolutely stole the show for me. Direction, storyboard, the character acting... but the usage of color and the composition is just a big flex. Love it.
I don't think I would need to explain why does this look awesome. Its sublime.
i'm just speechless i cant even
A first I thought it was a movie. Like omg 😲
Watching this live gave me a sense of unbridled joy very little media has ever made me feel. I can't imagine Ishitani ever topping this episode. It's just not possible.
GOD HOW I LOVE AESTHETICS! a full-fledged show, even better than sequences from the same movies. Goddess Ishitani <3

A cut before this, there was a sequence in CGI, I thought it was great
this is one of those rare cases that it's a shame the booru lacks sound
Relux said:
this is one of those rare cases that it's a shame the booru lacks sound
Oh absolutely, both Hiroki Takahashi (Queen) and Mitsuaki Madono (Apoo) absolutely rocked this scene and it was so much fun to watch
0:00 - 0:18: Yang Huang
0:19 - 2:06: Tu Yong-ce (except for reuse of one of Huang's crowd shots)
WTBorp said:
Watching this live gave me a sense of unbridled joy very little media has ever made me feel. I can't imagine Ishitani ever topping this episode. It's just not possible.
Well it happens again