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Was rotoscoping used? this is REALLY good
AEH said:
Was rotoscoping used? this is REALLY good
It's probably just heavily referenced. Takahashi did a cut similar to these in the Dimension W opening, as well
Umetsu confirmed on his blog that this part was animated by 5 differents animators, one animator per character.
^ Link to the post.

Seems like he’ll also release more detailed info about the staff in a later blog entry.
i wanna see who can actually make a version of this using another series' characters , like jujutsu kaisen .
Tweedledane said:
i wanna see who can actually make a version of this using another series' characters , like jujutsu kaisen .
Hehehehe found one
Flipping Goated
Confirmed from Umetsu's interview.
1st person is drawn by 神藤真歩
2nd person is drawn by 大橋勇吾
3rd person is drawn by 河島久美子
4th person is drawn by 西澤真也
5th person is drawn by 松崎嘉克
Shake it la la la shake it la la la