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Koji Yabuno supremacy @ 0:19
So, having seen that Crunchyroll's release has the same ED credits as NHK's, it's likely that Yabuno was removed from the genga role since he's already credited for AD and they have their dumb rule concerning that. All this to say he likely did some genga on the episode, even tho he's not credited for it, though with how many heavy corrections there were throughout it's difficult to say with certainty.

edit: It's as I said, this entire scene is Yabuno's genga, he was just removed from the credits.
Man, I'm so happy we got Yabuno-san in this, he acing it. To Your Eternity is a manga that is very near and dear to my heart, seeing it already with such a promising adaptation both staff-wise and production-wise puts a smile on my face :)
It's the most amazing animation of recent years.