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Kameda already confirmed Furuhashi did rough LO for a lot of the fight and we have genga which shows the animation directors hand writing is the same as the gengamans for 0:22, so it should be Matshushima here.
it definetly looks like matshushima
thought I'd share it tho
The genga linked above appears to suggest otherwise, but regardless, the gengaman mostly cleaned the motion designed by Furuhashi so as long as Furuhashi is still tagged I'm not bothered.

Edit: tagging Matsushima as well. He was the only sakkan and would have corrected the layout, and maybe the genga as well. Essentially, all three of them were involved here, and if we're talking strictly about the way it moves, Sotozaki's supposed involvement is the least crucial since we know it went through several levels of fixes.