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Keiichirō Honjō was on this episode and the lightning in 0:08-0:09 (maybe even the cut before that) looks quite similar to some of his current work (post #77253 for reference)

Have doubts the entirety of this post is his, effects in the first cut don't line up
this was his 6th ever genga credit, we can't say much about his work at this time, much less compare it to his current output
PurpleGeth said:
this was his 6th ever genga credit, we can't say much about his work at this time, much less compare it to his current output
That is a valid point, personally just thought the resemblance was too striking to be coincidental I guess
something to keep in mind but, there are actually only a limited number of different ways you can draw/animate lightning, or least few enough compared to other effects-based work that generally, not much meaning can be found in it. Also guessing on scenes that are borderline nukes is also going to be difficult most of the time tbh