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sakugawiki credits Nishio for "gun action" and for the longest time I had no idea what that meant because all of the action at the end is pretty much confirmed. Checking the movie again to source some stuff and this scene caught my eye, it's his art style so this is likely what it was referring to.

Kazuchika Kise designed the weapon settei for the film by the way.
PurpleGeth said:
sakugawiki credits Nishio for "gun action" and for the longest time I had no idea what that meant because all of the action at the end is pretty much confirmed. Checking the movie again to source some stuff and this scene caught my eye, it's his art style so this is likely what it was referring to.

Kazuchika Kise designed the weapon settei for the film by the way.
Did you find out about that by looking at the lighting?
FrankThePrank said:
Did you find out about that by looking at the lighting?
lighting? do you mean shading? if so then that's part of it, the timing and hands are also his style. And we have this cut earlier in the film which is confirmed to be corrected by him as comparison.